Wednesday 9 October 2013

Abi's 100wc - week 6...

Looking down,I was surprised to see a large,green monster looking up at me.Suddenly,out of the blue this huge,green monster jumped as high as the clouds and landed right into my hot air balloon! “Hi” Said the huge,green monster. “My name’s Slime Green”
“Yeah,I can see why you're called that” I said looking Slime-Green up and down again and again.
“And how do you know? asked Slime Green.
“...Umm...uuu...I just...umm...guessed?
“Oh,well you're very good at guessing”said Slime Green,not having any idea that I was actually winding him up.
“Well,I’d better get going now.See you again soon”
And the huge green monster just jumped out of the hot air balloon like it’s a thing that people [or monsters] do everyday.But even though he said we’d meet again we never did.

By Abi.


  1. Hi Abi - each week I comment on different 100 word challenges, and this week your is one of mine! I really enjoyed reading this - you've used the prompt in a very imaginative way & have also used lots of terrific language and punctuation - well done! :-)
    Mr K

  2. Mrs Skinner (Team100)13 October 2013 at 12:36

    Hi Abi!
    I've popped in to read this great piece just so that you have someone else commenting on your work. I love the idea of slime Green. You have repeated a couple of sets of words - green monster which means you have taken up some of your 100 with repeats. not a problem but I would have loved more conversation between you both. It is though a very enjoyable piece of writing!

  3. that is epic abi that whas well writen to smilly face its katlyn the cool kid
